Home News The Board of Directors of the Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority headed by Prof. Sami Shaaban agrees to grant permission to establish the second unit of the nuclear power plant in El-Dabaa with a capacity of 1200 megawatts

The Board of Directors of the Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority headed by Prof. Sami Shaaban agrees to grant permission to establish the second unit of the nuclear power plant in El-Dabaa with a capacity of 1200 megawatts

31 October, 2022

Prof. Dr. Sami Shaaban: The Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority exercises its continuous supervisory role over the establishment of the first unit and follows up all equipment through the system of inspectors residing at the site since the issuance of the permission to establish the first unit last June

The Nuclear and Radiological Control Authority conducted a comprehensive inspection from 23-27 October 2022 to ensure compliance with the necessary conditions and the readiness of the site to start the process of establishing the second unit.

The Board of Directors of the Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority, headed by Prof. Dr. Sami Shaaban, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Authority, agreed in its 9th session held today, Monday, October 31, 2022, to grant permission to establish the second unit at the Dabaa nuclear plant. The Authority received a request to obtain a construction permit for the first and second units on January 13, 2019, and over the course of two years, the Nuclear Power Plants Authority completed its procedures by submitting a preliminary safety analysis report for the first and second units, starting from January 2021 until the end of June 2021.

In accordance with Law No. 7 of 2010 regulating nuclear and radiological activities, and its executive regulations issued by Prime Minister Resolution No. 1326 of 2011, and its amendments issued by Resolution No. 211 of 2017, which set out the various procedures for licensing nuclear facilities, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority has taken The radiological and radiological procedures necessary to verify the availability of the maximum levels of safety for the nuclear project in El-Dabaa in accordance with the highest international standards, as follows:

– Holding dialogue sessions with representatives of the Nuclear Power Plants Authority to discuss the response of the Nuclear Power Plants Authority to the results of the review, and taking into account the results of the dialogue about the review and evaluation of the first unit when preparing the review and evaluation report for the second unit.

– The Supervisory Authority has accurately assessed the differences between the first and second units, and all the inquiries of the Authority were answered by the representatives of the license applicant by holding intensive meetings at the Authority’s headquarters.

– The authority made a number of inspection visits to the site of the nuclear plant in El-Dabaa, in order to determine the readiness of the site to start the construction of the second unit, including a comprehensive inspection in the period from 23-27 October 2022.

According to the results of the review and evaluation of the preliminary safety analysis report, the safety of the second unit of the El-Dabaa nuclear power plant was verified according to the conditions of the permission. Therefore, the Board of Directors of the Nuclear and Radiological Control Authority decided in its session No. 9 of 2022 to approve the granting of construction permission for the second unit of the El-Dabaa nuclear plant, and according to the results of the review and evaluation. to the terms of the permission.

The authority will continue its efforts to verify the compliance of the Nuclear Power Plants Authority with the terms of the permission granted and the regulatory control of the work of implementing the construction phase and manufacturing equipment, and to conduct the necessary inspections, in the context of the Nuclear and Radiological Control Authority performing its role in verifying the safety of humans, the environment and property on all Egyptian lands from potential dangers, and in a manner that ensures the promotion of the peaceful and safe use of nuclear technology in all aspects of development.

It is worth noting that His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has directed to take the necessary steps to construct and build nuclear power plants to generate electricity in a way that enhances energy security through diversifying its sources as well as supporting local industries, as well as the Egyptian state’s vision for 2030 that the percentage of electricity production from nuclear plants reaches 9% of the total energy mixture.